In the 3rd episode of Building a Dream Wellness Routine (a 4 part series), Nadie delves into the 4 mistakes you might be making that are keeping you from being consistent with your wellness routine.
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Episode Breakdown
[0:00] Intro: Nadie introduces herself and the podcast.
[2:35] Nadie shares information about a FREE tool she has available called the Tiny Steps Checklist. This checklist will help jump-start your wellness routine giving you tiny tasks you can accomplish to increase your wellness in every dimension!
[4:21] Nadie gives a recap of what the Building a Long-lasting Wellness Routine series is all about and shares what the past two episodes were all about.
[5:47] Biggest gem of the episode: Consistency is not all the time, consistency is over time.
[9:27] First Mistake: You aren’t starting with a vision. To be successful in building a wellness routine, you need to start with the vision of who you ultimately want to be and then work backward to where you go now with goal building. This is how you find the steps to take to get there.
[9:26] Second Mistake: Not tackling one step at a time. One of the most common barriers to consistency is trying to take on too many new goals and tasks at once and getting overwhelmed/discouraged when you don’t succeed. Start with one goal, and build from working on this goal once a week to every day slowly. Once you’re consistently handling that one goal, you can add another.
[13:17] Third Mistake: Who you are isn’t in alignment with your goals. Many people base their goals around what they think they should do or supposed to do. But the reality is if you aren’t excited about working on the goal, you won’t be motivated and it’ll never happen.
[14:29] Fourth Mistake: Not being realistic about how hard life can be. When you aren’t being realistic about how much time, energy, and effort it will take to accomplish your goals, you set yourself up for failure. It’s so important to think about what season of life you’re in, and what life will throw at you when starting your wellness journey. Planning is great, but what happens when things don’t go your way? Don’t blame yourself for life happening, plan for things to come up and be compassionate with yourself when they do.
[15:54] Wrap up: Recap of the 4 mistakes that are getting in the way of being consistent in your wellness routine.